Member Service
KSCG members
KSCG Member Service
1. Member Service
본 학회에서는 컴퓨터게임 분야에 종사하고 계시는 여러분들의 많은 입회를 바라고 있습니다.
한국컴퓨터게임학회는 컴퓨터게임에 관한 학술과 기술을 선도하기 위하여
컴퓨터게임에 관한 학술 활동,
컴퓨터게임에 관한 기술의 산학연 협동,
컴퓨터게임에 관한 기술의 국제화와 표준화 활동에 역점을 두고 사업을 추진한다.
회원의 종류 및 자격
특별회원: 컴퓨터게임 분야에 발전을 기여하고, 본 학회의 취지에 찬동하는 법인 및 단체
명예회원: 식과 덕망이 높고, 본 학회의 발전에 크게 기여한 사람
종신회원: 정회원 중에서 종신회원으로 입회한 사람
정 회 원: 컴퓨터게임 분야의 학사학위 이상을 취득한 자 또는 관련 분야에서 2년이상 근무한 사람자
준 회 원: 관련학과 학생 또는 관련분야 종사자
단체회원: 도서관, 초 중 고 교육기관, 관련 사업체, 연구소, 정부기관 및 산하단체
2. Privacy Policy
In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, KSCG has the following policies to protect the privacy of personal information of users and to protect the rights and interests of users and to smoothly deal with users' complaints related to personal information.
KSCG will notify you through the website announcement (or individual notice) when revising the privacy policy of the company.
○ This policy will be effective from January 1, 2014.
본 학회에서는 컴퓨터게임 분야에 종사하고 계시는 여러분들의 많은 입회를 바라고 있습니다.
한국컴퓨터게임학회는 컴퓨터게임에 관한 학술과 기술을 선도하기 위하여
컴퓨터게임에 관한 학술 활동,
컴퓨터게임에 관한 기술의 산학연 협동,
컴퓨터게임에 관한 기술의 국제화와 표준화 활동에 역점을 두고 사업을 추진한다.
회원의 종류 및 자격
특별회원: 컴퓨터게임 분야에 발전을 기여하고, 본 학회의 취지에 찬동하는 법인 및 단체
명예회원: 식과 덕망이 높고, 본 학회의 발전에 크게 기여한 사람
종신회원: 정회원 중에서 종신회원으로 입회한 사람
정 회 원: 컴퓨터게임 분야의 학사학위 이상을 취득한 자 또는 관련 분야에서 2년이상 근무한 사람자
준 회 원: 관련학과 학생 또는 관련분야 종사자
단체회원: 도서관, 초 중 고 교육기관, 관련 사업체, 연구소, 정부기관 및 산하단체
3. Processing and Retention Period of Personal Information
KSCG processes and retains personal information within the period of holding and using personal information in accordance with laws and regulations, or during the period of using or maintaining personal information that is agreed upon when collecting personal information from information subject.
Each personal information processing and retention period is as follows.
- Personal information related to homepage registration and management shall be retained for the purpose of use up to "one year" from the date of consent for collection and use.
- Retention grounds: Homepage administrator page
- Relevant legislation: Records of consumer complaints or disputes: 3 years
- Exception Reason: None
4. Matters concerning third party provision of personal information
A. We will only provide personal information to third parties if they comply with Articles 17 and 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act, including the consent of the information subject and special regulations of the law.
B. We provide personal information to third parties as follows.
- Provider: Nuri Media
- Purpose of personal information of recipient: Purpose of homepage management, mass mailing to individual member
- Personal information items provided: login ID, password, name, email, home address, home phone number, mobile phone number
- Retention of the recipient. Period of use: 1 year
5. Commitment to personal information processing
A. KSCG consigns the following personal information processing tasks for smooth personal information processing.
- Trustee (trustee): Nuri Media
- Contents of commissioned work: Homepage management, sending e-mail
- Charging period: 1 year
B. KSCG shall, at the time of concluding the contract of consignment, make the matters concerning the liability such as prohibition of personal information processing other than the purpose of carrying out the entrusted business, technical and administrative protection measure, restraining restriction, management and supervision of the trustee, Contract, etc., and supervises whether the trustee handles personal information securely.
C. In the event that the content of the commissioned work or the fiduciary is changed, we will disclose it through this Privacy Policy without delay.
6. The rights, duties and methods of the information entity
A. The Subject may exercise any of the following privacy rights with respect to KSCG at any time.
You may exercise the following rights as a personal information subject.
- Personal information request
- If there is an error, correct the request
- Request removal
- Process stop request
B. The exercise of rights pursuant to Paragraph 1 may be made in writing, e-mail, fax (FAX), etc. in accordance with the Form 8 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Personal Information Protection Act for KSCG. I'll do it.
C. If the information subject has requested correction or deletion of personal information, "KSCG" will not use or provide the personal information until the correction or deletion is completed.
D. The exercise of rights under Paragraph (1) may be done through a legal representative of the information entity or an agent such as the person who has been delegated. In this case, you must submit a power of attorney according to Form 11 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Personal Information Protection Act.
7. Creating an item of personal information to process
A. KSCG handles the following personal information items.
Homepage membership and management
- Required fields: Login ID, password, name, email, home address
- Choice: Home phone number, mobile phone number
8. Destruction of personal information
"KSCG" will, in principle, destroy personal information without delay when the purpose of processing personal information is achieved. The procedures, deadlines and methods of destruction are as follows.
A. Destruction Procedures
- The information entered by the user is transferred to a separate DB after the completion of the purpose (separate documents for paper) and stored or temporarily destroyed after a certain period of time according to internal policies and other related laws. At this time, the personal information transferred to the DB is not used for other purposes unless it is under the law.
B. Time to destroy
- When the personal information of the user has elapsed, within 5 days from the end of the holding period, if personal information such as attaining purpose of processing personal information, abolishing service, We destroy the personal information within five days from day when processing of information is recognized as unnecessary.
C. Destruction Methods
- Information in the form of electronic files uses technical methods that can not reproduce records.
- Personal information printed on paper is crushed by crusher or destroyed by incineration.
9. Measures to ensure the safety of personal information
"KSCG", pursuant to Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act, provides technical, administrative and physical measures necessary for securing safety as follows.
A. Minimization and training of personal information handling staff
- Employees who handle personal information are designated and limited to the person in charge, and measures are taken to minimize personal information.
B. Encryption of Personal Information
- User's personal information is encrypted and stored and managed. Only the user can know it. And important data is using separate security function such as encrypting file and transmission data or using file lock function.
C. Restrict access to personal information
- We take necessary measures to control access to personal information through the granting, modification and deletion of access rights to the database system that processes personal information, and we control the unauthorized access from outside using the intrusion prevention system.
D. Using locks for document security
- Documents containing personal information and auxiliary storage media are kept in a safe place with lock.
10. Wrote personal information protection officer
A. "KSCG" is responsible for the handling of personal information, and has designated the person responsible for personal information protection as follows for the complaint handling and damage relief of the information subject related to personal information processing.
- Personal information protection officer
name : SangHoon LEE
Contact : kscg@kscg.or.kr
※ It leads to personal information protection department.
- Privacy department
Department name : KSCG
manager : SangHoon LEE
Contact : kscg@kscg.or.kr
B. By using the service (or business) of "KSCG", the information subject can inquire about personal information protection complaint, complaint handling, damage relief, etc., related to personal information protection person and department concerned. "KSCG" will answer and process inquiries of information subject without delay.
11. Change of privacy policy
A. This Privacy Policy will be effective from the effective date. If there are any additions, deletions or amendments in accordance with laws and policies, we will notify you through the notice 7 days before the change is made.
3. Unauthorized collection of e-mail
This web site does not allow unauthorized collection of e-mail addresses using e-mail collecting programs or other technical devices.
In case of violation, it can be punished by 「Information Communication Network Promotion and Information Protection Act」.