Submission information
Paper Submission Procedure
Paper Submission Procedure
논문지 원고 모집 안내
한국컴퓨터게임학회에서는 정기간행물인 한국컴퓨터게임학회 논문지는 2009년부터 한국연구재단 등재지를 아래와 같이 발간합니다.
1. 논문지 발행일정
일정 : 매년 3월/6월/9월/12월 30일 발행, 한글논문, 영어논문를 게재하나, EI, SCOPUS, SCIE 신청을 위해서 한글논문은 영어논문으로 번역하여 게재 권장.
논문 접수 : 수시접수
논문 심사료 : 50,000원
논문심사결과 통보 : 개별통보메일
2. 논문투고 내용
컴퓨터게임에 관련한 내용; 게임제작기술, 게임그래픽, 게임네트워크, 게임시나리오, 게임심리 등
3. 논문 작성방법
한국컴퓨터게임학회 논문지 투고규정에 따라, 반드시 “학회 홈페이지의 논문템플릿”의 형식대로 논문을 작성하기 바랍니다. 형식에 맞지 않는 논문은 접수받지 않습니다.
4. 접수처
* 홈페이지 접수 : 홈페이지www.kscg.or.kr에 가입하신 후 심사료 납부내역을 기재하고, 논문파일을 홈페이지의 ‘논문투고’로 첨부하여 제출하여 주십시오.
* 심사료 납부 : 우리은행 495-202207-13-002 예금주 : 사단법인한국컴퓨터게임학회
* 비회원은 홈페이지www.kscg.or.kr를 이용하시면 즉시 학회에 가입할 수 있습니다.
* E-mail : kscg@kscg.or.kr
* 아래의 예와 같은 형식으로 이메일을 사무국으로 보내주시기 바랍니다.
투고자 : 홍길동 소속 : 한국 대학교
입금자 : 이철수
전화번호 : 010-5123-4567
이메일 주소 :
입금내역 : 논문심사료
5. 문의처
e-mail: kscg@kscg.or.kr / 한국컴퓨터게임학회 담당자
사단법인 한국컴퓨터게임학회 논문지 투고규정
***본 논문지는 한국연구재단의 연구윤리규정 및 등재지발간에 관한 기타 규정을 준수한다.***
1. 논문 투고자 및 공동저자는 반드시 본회 회원이어야 한다.
2. 논문투고자는 한국연구재단의 논문작성 윤리규정 및 등재지발간에 관한 기타규정을 준수하여야 한다.
3. 원고는 본 논문지에 투고하기 전에 공개 출판물에 발표하지 않았던 것을 원칙으로 하며, 게재 논문의 내용에 대한 최종 책임은 저자가 진다.
4. 논문은 컴퓨터게임 및 그 응용분야에 관련되는 것으로서, 학술 및 산업 발전에 기여하는 내용이거나 독창성이 인정되는 것이어야 한다.
5. 논문은 온라인 논문투고시스템을 통해 수시로 접수하며 논문지는 매년 3월 30일, 6월 30일, 9월 30일, 12월 30일에 발간한다.
6. 투고논문 1쪽에는 논문제목(영문포함), 저자명(영문 포함) 및 직함, 소속기관, 교신저자의 주소, E-mail 주소 그리고 국문요약, 영문요약, 한글키워드(영문키워드), 본문, 참고문헌, 부록을 작성한다.(본학회 홈페이지의 논문템플렛에 따라 작성)
7. 논문 게재 판정을 수신한 후 교신저자는 다른 모든 공동 저자들의 동의를 구한 후에 게재용 논문 최종본을 완성하여 학회 사무국으로 송부하도록 하며, 게재용 논문 최종본이 사무국에 도착한 시점부터 해당 논문의 저작권은 본 학회로 위임된 것으로 간주된다.
8. 투고논문은 원칙적으로 MS WORD를 사용하여 B5 용지에 작성한다. 장이나 절은 아라비아 숫자로 1., 1.1, (1) 등으로 표기하고, 그림의 명칭은 하단 중앙에 Fig. 1.의 표기를 하기 바라며, 표의 경우는 상단 중앙에 Table 1.의 표기를 한다.
9. 논문 내용에 직접 관련이 있는 문헌에 대해서는 이들 문헌에 관련이 있는 본문 중에 참고문헌 번호를 쓰고 그 문헌을 참고문헌 난에 인용 순서대로 기술한다. 참고문헌은 학술지의 경우 저자, 제목, 학술지명, 권, 호, 쪽수, 발행 연도의 순서로, 단행본은 저자, 서명, 쪽수, 발행처, 발행 연도의 순서로 기술한다.
(예) [1] Huhn KIM, Miyoung KIM, Jihye KIM, Hyejeong PARK, “The Effects of Load Time, Contents, Loading Screen, and Animation Type on User Satisfaction with the Load Speed of Mobile Apps”, Journal of Korean Society of Design Science, Vol.27 No.2, pp.107-119, 2014.
(예) [2] Bellmen, R., "Introduction to Matrix Analysis", 2nd Ed., New York : McGraw-Hill, pp.234, 1979.
10. 투고자는 논문제출시 반명함판 사진과 약력을 포함한 저자소개란을 기입하여 제출한다.
11. 투고자는 논문 1편당 심사료 USD 50(50,000원)을 논문제출시 납부하여야 하며, 채택된 투고자는 인쇄 쪽수에 따라 다음의 게재료를 인쇄 전에 납부하여야 한다.
12. 동일 저자는 공동저자와 교신저자를 포함하여 논문지 한 호당 최대 2편까지 게재 가능하다.
13. 논문지에 게재된 논문은 본 학회의 승인 없이 무단 복제할 수 없다.
14. 사사가 들어갈 경우는 USD 200(20만원), 긴급심사시는 게재료의 2배를 추가 납부하여야 한다.
15. 원문 논문은 저자정보를 포함하여 제출하여야하며, 심사용 논문은 이름, 소속 등 저자정보와 관련된 내용을 삭제한 후 투고하여야한다.
16. 투고된 논문 최종본의 저작권은 논문투고규정에 따라 사단법인 한국컴퓨터게임학회에 귀속된다.
17. 논문 투고는 영문본을 투고할시에 논문게재료의 10%를 감면 한다.
18. 본 논문지는 매 해(3,6,9,12월) 전자출판을 하고, 그 후 매년말에 국립중앙도서관, 국회도서관 등 납본을 위해 책으로 만들어 출판한다. 이 때 회원이 각 호의 구입을 원하면 권 당 10,000원을 받고 판매한다. 단, 논문1편의 별쇄본은 5,000원이다.
19. 본 규정은 2016년 1월 1일부터 효력을 발생한다.
투고 정보
심사용 논문 제출 이전에 반드시 연구윤리규정을 확인하여야 하며, 투고양식을 준수하여야 한다.
심사용 논문은 회원가입 후 온라인으로 투고한다.
게재된 논문은 홈페이지를 통해 온라인으로 공지한다.
본 논문지는 년 4회(3월 30일, 6월 30일, 9월 30일, 12월 30일) 발간한다.
논문지 책자가 필요한 경우에는 사무국에 별도로 요청하여야 하며, 구매할 수 있다.
제1조(목적) 본 규정은 ‘논문지’ 발간에 관한 사항을 규정함을 목적으로 한다.
제2조(발간일) 한국컴퓨터게임학회에서 발간하는 논문지는 연 4회로 한다.(매년 3월 30일, 6월
30일, 9월 30일, 12월 30일)
제3조(발간) 논문지는 다음과 같이 발간하도록 한다.
(1) 발간일에는 반드시 1호 이상의 논문지를 발간하여야 한다.
(2) 편집위원회의 의결이 있는 경우 2호 이상의 논문지를 동일 발간일에 동시 발간할 수 있다.
(3) 6호 이상의 논문이 발간된 경우, 다음 발간일에 권번호를 변경하고 호번호를 다시 1번부터 발간할 수 있다.
(4) 특정 발간일에 6호 이상의 논문지가 동시 발간될 것으로 예상되는 경우 권번호를 변경하여 발간할 수 있다.
제4조(호별발간권수) 한국컴퓨터게임학회 기술논문지의 발간 권수는 다음 사항들을 고려하여 결정한다.
(1) 논문은 온라인 버전 발간을 원칙으로 한다.
(2) 국립중앙도서관 및 학회와 협약이 체결된 도서관 증정용 책자를 발간하여 송부한다.
(3) 학회 내 영구보관용 책자를 10부 이상 발간한다.
(4) 회원이 책자를 구매하고자 하는 의사를 미리 통지한 경우, 이를 고려하여 발간한다.
제5조(호번호배정) 한국컴퓨터게임학회 기술연구센터에서 발행하는 논문지의 호 번호 배정은 다음의 규칙에 따른다.
(1) 매년 처음 발간되는 논문지는 1호로 하며, 이후 발간되는 논문지에 순차적으로 호번호를 할당한다.
(2) 게재 예정인 논문들 중 특정 분야의 논문이 5편이 넘을 경우 이들 논문을 모아 독립된 호번호를 부여하여 발간할 수 있으며, 2호 이상의 논문지를 동일 발간일에 발간할 수 있다.
제6조(권번호배정) 한국컴퓨터게임학회에서 발행하는 논문지의 권 번호 배정은 다음의 규칙에
(1) 매년 처음 발간되는 논문지부터는 이전에 발간된 호 번호와 상관없이 새로운 권 번호를 배정하도록 한다.
(2) 호번호가 1번부터 6번까지 순차적으로 발간된 경우, 다음 번 발간일에 발간되는 논문지부터 권번호를 변경한다.
(3) 특정 발간일에 호번호 1번부터 6번까지 동시에 발간할 것으로 결정된 경우, 이들에 대해서는 새로운 권번호를 할당한다.
(4) 특정 발간일에 호번호 1번부터 6번까지 동시에 발간된 경우, 다음 발간일에 권번호를 변경한다.
(1) 한국컴퓨터게임학회에서 발행하는 논문지의 각 호에는 동일 저자 논문 2편 이하만 동시에 게재될 수 있다.
(2) 동일 저자가 단독 저자 형태로 2편을 발간하는 것은 불가능하다.
(3) 게재확정 후 이 조항으로 인하여 게재되지 못하는 논문은 다음 호에 게재하는 것을 원칙으로 하며, 필요시 저자와 편집위원회의 협의를 거쳐 추후 시기로 변경할 수 있다.
이 규정은 2017년 10월 31일 제정, 2017년 11월 1일부터 시행한다.
Paper Review Regulations
Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of this regulation is to specify matters concerning the examination of theses to be published in the journals published by the Korean Society for Computer Game.
Article 2 (Examination procedure)
The examination of the submitted thesis is proceeded according to the following procedure.
(1) Subject conformity assessment of submitted papers
(2) Selection of Editorial Board
(3) Selection of judges
(4) Review process
(5) The Judgement of judging result
(6) Notification of examination result
Article 3 (Subject Conformity)
The thesis submission will be forwarded to the Editorial Board Chairman immediately and the Chairman of the Editorial Committee will review whether the subject and contents of the submitted paper conform to the journals published by the Korean Society for Computer Game. If it is obvious that the subject of the submitted thesis is not appropriate, we immediately state the reason and return it in the name of the editor-in-chief. If the subject suitability is recognized or unclear, we submit it to the auditor.
Article 4 (Selection of editorial committee for review management)
The editor-in-chief will request the editorial committee of the major who has the most relevance to the topic of the manuscript submitted for review.
Article 5 (Selection of external judges)
The editorial committee responsible for the examination and management of submitted papers shall select two or more external judges based on the following criteria. The editor-in-chief should not participate in the examination except in unavoidable cases.
(1) (Field) The external judges should have conducted or conducted research related to the topic of the paper. In the case of dissertations of various disciplines, experts in other disciplines can be selected as external judges.
(2) (Career) The external judges are based on the holders of the doctoral degree but can choose among those who have career experience, such as a Ph.D.
(3) (Expertise) The external judges should have experience of similar research in the field of examination for the past 5 years.
(4) (Activities) The external judges should keep track of research trends by participating in academic events and conducting research.
Article 6 (Request for examination)
The proceedings of the examination shall be as follows.
(1) In the case of the first review, we ask two or more selected judges for examination. The contents of the judging panel should be announced by the following editorial committee.
(2) In case of reconsideration, the former judge shall be requested to conduct a priority examination. If the previous judge refuses to review or is unable to proceed with the examination, we immediately appoint another judge to proceed with the examination.
(3) The author of an article to be judged, or a person who works in the same organization as the institution of the judging article author, can not be appointed as a judge, and we recognize this fact, we should immediately replace the judge.
Article 7 (Examination Period)
The examination period shall be as follows.
(1) The judges shall submit the results of the examination to the secretariat within 30 days after the commencement of the examination in case of the general examination paper, and within 10 days after the commission of examination in case of the emergency examination paper. The editor-in-chief may refer to the completion of the examination five days before the deadline set by the editorial committee.
(2) If the judges fail to submit the results of the examination without any reason during the period or if the communication is lost, the editor-in-chief may suspend the examination and reappoint the judge.
Article 8 (Review Criteria)
Reviewing is conducted on the following 17 items, and the score is calculated on a scale of five levels: very high, high, medium, low, and very low for each item.
(1) Is research a subject suitable for the field?
(2) Is the expression appropriate?
(3) Are the composition and length appropriate?
(4) Has the research been described and the similarities and distinctions with them been properly presented?
(5) Is it a study that will draw enough attention from readers?
(6) Has the necessity and purpose of the study been clearly stated?
(7) Is there a high degree of contribution to the field of computer games?
(8) Has the research method been used to suit the purpose of the research?
(9) Are the results of the study presented in detail?
(10) Is the research result interpreted objectively?
(11) Have the new results been validated?
(12) Have creative and meaningful conclusions been drawn based on research results?
(13) Is it a novel and interesting research topic?
(14) Are the research contents and results accurate?
(15) Is the content and quantity of abstract appropriate?
(16) Has research data and literature been appropriately utilized within the last five years?
(17) Does the organization follow the Journal of Korean Society for Computer Game's paper preparation standard form?
Article 9 (Notice of Examination)
Please pay attention to the following points when conducting the examination.
(1) During the review process, the judges should review the association with existing similar papers in accordance with the research ethics regulations of the insitute.
(2) The judges may exchange opinions with the contributors only through the secretariat.
(3) If the author has received a revision request but has not corrected or supplemented it within the submission period without expressing his or her opinion, he or she shall be deemed to have waived the examination and the paper will be rejected.
(4) Even if it is judged that it can be published as a result of the examination, it shall be dealt with in accordance with the research ethics regulations when it is determined that it can not be posted later due to plagiarism or other reasons.
Article 10 (Judgment of Judging Result)
Three judges are requested to judge and decide whether to adopt as follows.
(1) If at least one of the three people judges that it is "unavailable", it shall not be published unconditionally.
(2) If at least one of the three judges judge it to be 'revision after revision', it shall be reviewed by the judges concerned.
(3) If two or more of the three persons judge the publication as "post-revision," the article will be published after the author's revision.
(4) In any case other than the above case, it shall be made available.
Article 11 (Notice of Examination Result)
(1) If the applicant is determined to be adopted, it shall be notified to the correspondent author within two days.
(2) If modification is required, the revision receipt deadline must be notified to the author.
Article 12 (Examination fee)
To encourage the submission of good quality papers and to compensate for the detailed examination, the examination fee shall be as follows.
(1) At the time of submitting a thesis, a contributor pays a general thesis fee (USD 50(50,000 Won)) or an urgent thesis fee (USD 100(100,000 Won)).
(2) Each judging committee shall pay an examination fee of USD 25(25,000 Won) per article.
Article 13 (Confidentiality)
(1) The list of submitters and the appointment of judges shall not be disclosed to the outside.
(2) If the contents of Paragraph 1 are leaked to the outside, immediately replace the judges to ensure fairness of the thesis review.
(3) In the case of paragraph (2), appropriate measures shall be taken to prevent a recurrence, and the details shall be as prescribed by the research ethics regulations.
Article 14 (Determination of Exceptions)
The following exceptional cases may be decided by the Editorial Board.
(1) If the opinions of the judges are not consistent, the editorial committee shall consult with them.
(2) The deadline for submission of manuscripts and the deadline for revision may be changed exclusively only after consultation by the editorial committee if necessary.
Article 15 (Application for Differences)
When it is intended to raise an objection to the review of the judges, it shall be notified to the secretariat first, and the relevant review evaluation and differences shall be prepared together, and the revised contribution shall be made.
These regulations are enacted on January 31, 2012, and take effect on February 28, 2012.
Research Ethics Regulations
Chapter I Total Regulation
Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of this regulation is to present the basic principles and directions necessary for securing ethics and integrity in the research of the "Korean Society for Computer Game". Also, the purpose of these regulation is to foster and promote sound research activities among members by specifying academic sanctions and disciplinary procedures for violation of research ethics obligations to be observed by member researchers.
Article 2 (Application subject and scope)
This regulation applies to members of the Korean Society for Computer Game and to those related to business and business organized by Korean Society for Computer Game.
Article 3 (Scope of research misconduct)
① The research misconduct presented in this regulation means forgery, falsification, plagiarism, indication of inappropriate authors, duplicate research, duplicate submission, public false statements, etc. conducted in the proposal of research, the performance of research, the report and presentation of research results, etc. as follows:
1. "Forgery“ means the act of falsely producing data or research results that do not exist.
2. "Falsification" means the act of artificially manipulating research materials, equipment, processes, etc. or distorting research contents or results by arbitrarily modifying or deleting data.
3. The term "Plagiarism" means the act of stealing ideas, research contents, results, etc. of another person without due approval or quotation.
4. "Indication of inappropriate authors" means the act of granting a person who has made a scientific or technical contribution or contribution to the research content or results to a person who has not been qualified as a writer of a thesis without justifiable reasons or has not made a scientific or technical contribution or contribution.
5. "Duplicate submission" means the act of conducting two or more research tasks with the same contents and publishing the same research results.
6. "Publishing a Double Paper" refers to the act of publishing a paper with the same content in more than one journal.
7. "Public false statement" means the act of making false statements about one's educational background, career, qualifications, research achievements, results, etc.
8. Intentionally obstructing the investigation of a person or another person's alleged misconduct or inflicting harm on the informant.
9. In addition to each of the above, acts that are seriously outside the normally accepted scope of science and technology.
② In addition to misconduction under the provisions of paragraph 1, misconduction may be included in the contents of Article 9, paragraph 1 which is deemed necessary to investigate or prevent on its own.
Chapter II Basic Ethics of Korean Society for Computer Game
Article 4 (Social responsibility)
Members of Korean Society for Computer Game shall have a responsibility for the safety, health, and welfare of society. They should also realize that their research can affect society and fulfill their professional responsibilities.
Article 5 (Respect for others)
Members of the Korean Computer Game Society should respect the lives, property, honor and privacy of others and be careful not to harm others or infringe on their rights. It is also required to treat others equally regardless of race, religion, gender, sex, disability, age or nationality.
Article 6 (Attitude as an professional)
Members of Korean Society for Computer Game should continue to make efforts to maintain or improve their technical skills.
Article 7 (Honesty of public statement)
Members of Korean Society for Computer Game should make statements based on scientific expertise and facts in advertisements, various print publications, lectures and presentations through various media. In addition, members of Korean Society for Computer Game shall not make false statements about their educational background, career, qualifications, research achievements, and results.
Chapter III Roles and Responsibilities of Korean Society for Computer Game
Article 8 (Promotion on research ethics)
The Korean Society for Computer Game shall publicize the rules of research ethics to be observed when conducting research and conducting projects under the supervision of the members, and in order to become a new member, it shall be required to become familiar with these rules before making a pledge.
Article 9 (Provision of Self-verification)
Based on the contents of this regulation, Korean Society for Computer Game shall provide and operate bylaws on verification of research veracity appropriate for the actual situation, including the following matters:
1. Scope of malpractice
2. The principles, procedures and duration of the composition of the Research Ethics Committee established as a permanent organization or the main investigation subcommittee temporarily organized for the purpose of conducting investigations related to research ethics of the organization, department or person in charge of receiving reports of misconduct, etc.
4. Types of sanctions against misconduct
5. Measures to protect informants and subjects
Article 10 (The authority and role of an academic society)
The Korean Society for Computer Game will set up a window for receiving reports of misconduct on research, examine whether verification of authenticity has been conducted fairly and reasonably, and follow-up measures will be carried out based on this.
Article 11 (Protection of informant's rights)
① An informant refers to a person who has informed Korean Society for Computer Gameof the facts or relevant evidence of fraud.
② An informant may report in any possible manner, such as oral, written, telephone, or e-mail, and in principle, report under their real names. Provided, That even if an anonymous report is reported, if the report includes the name of the research project or the name of the thesis, details of specific misconduct, and evidence, it shall be processed in accordance with the real name report.
③ The informants shall have an obligation to protect them from disadvantage, undue pressure, or harm, such as disciplinary action, on the grounds of reporting misconduct, and shall take necessary measures.
④ The informant may request to inform them of the investigation procedures and schedules conducted after the report of misconduct, and Korean Society for Computer Game shall faithfully comply with such request.
⑤ The informants who reported the tip-off, even though they thought it was false or could have been known, are not included in the protection list.
Article 12 (protection of the rights of the subject)
① The subjects shall refer to those who are subject to investigation by tip-off or recognition by the Korean Society for Computer Game or those who are subject to investigation because they are presumed to have engaged in cheating in the course of conducting the investigation, and witnesses or witnesses in the course of investigation shall not be included.
② The Korean Society for Computer Game shall take care not to infringe on the honor or rights of the subjects until the verification of their misconduct is completed, and shall endeavor to restore the honor of the subjects found innocent.
③ Charges of misconduct shall not be disclosed to the outside world until the results of the judgment are finalized.
④ The investigators may request to inform the investigation and processing procedures and schedule of cheating, and the Korean Society for Computer Game shall faithfully comply with such request.
Chapter IV Procedures and Standards for Verification of Research Veracity
Article 13 (Person in charge of veracity verification)
If a fraud is recognized or reported, the Korean Society for Computer Game shall be responsible for verifying it, and the chairperson shall handle it faithfully through the Research Ethics Committee.
Article 14 (Verification of Veracity)
① In principle, illegal acts five years before the date of receipt of the report shall not be dealt with even if they have been received.
② Even if it is an act of misconduct five years ago, it shall be dealt with if the investigator re-applied the results directly and used to apply for subsequent research funds, carry out research, report and announce research results, and if there is a serious danger to public welfare or safety.
Article 15 (Veracity Verification Procedure)
① Verification procedures for misconduct shall be carried out in the stage of preliminary investigation, main investigation and judgment.
② In addition to the verification procedures referred to in paragraph (1), an investigation may be conducted by including the procedures deemed necessary additionally.
Article 16 (Preparatory Investigation)
① Preliminary investigation refers to a procedure to determine whether the main investigation is necessary for the alleged misconduct and shall be launched within 30 days from the date of receipt of the report. Preliminary investigations are conducted by the Research Ethics Committee.
② If the subjects acknowledge all charges as a result of the preliminary investigation, they may make a judgment immediately without going through the main investigation procedure, and if it is deemed that there is a possibility of serious damage to the evidence data, they may take measures to preserve the evidence under Article 20 (2) with the approval of the chairperson even during the investigation.
③ If the preliminary investigation determines that the main investigation is not conducted, the informant shall be notified in writing within 10 days from the date of the decision. However, this is not the case for anonymous reports.
④ The informants may raise an objection within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notice if they are dissatisfied with the results of the preliminary investigation.
Article 17 (Main Investigation)
① This investigation refers to procedures for proving the facts of alleged misconduct, and shall be conducted by organizing a research ethics committee or a subcommittee for the main investigation, etc. in accordance with the provisions of Article 19.
② The Research Ethics Committee and the Subcommittee of the main investigation shall give informants and subjects an opportunity to state their opinions and raise objections to the results of the main investigation and give them an opportunity to defend themselves. If the party does not comply, it shall be deemed to have no objection.
③ The details of the informant and the suspect's objection to the results of the main investigation and the results of the proceedings thereof shall be included in the investigation report.
Article 18 (Judgment)
① ‘judgment’ refers to a procedure in which the results of the investigation are finalized and notified to inform the informant and the suspect
② All investigation schedules from the commencement of preliminary investigation to judgment shall be completed within six months. Provided, That if it is deemed difficult to conduct an investigation within this period, the period of investigation may be extended after notifying the chairperson of the grounds for the investigation and obtaining approval from the chairperson.
③ If the informants or the suspects disobey the judgment, they may raise an objection within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notification, and may conduct a re-investigation if necessary.
Article 19 (Principles of forming a research ethics committee)
① In principle, the Research Ethics Committee shall be comprised of at least five members.
② Research ethics committee members shall be members and consist of editorial members. It is appointed by the chairperson.
③ Subcommittees for the main investigation may be formed within the Research Ethics Committee for the implementation of the main investigation.
④ Prior to the commencement of the main investigation, the informant shall be informed of the list of research ethics committee members under paragraph (1) or subcommittees for the main investigation under paragraph (3), and shall be accepted if the informant raises a legitimate objection to the avoidance of the subcommittee members of the main investigation.
Article 20 (Jurisdiction of the Research Ethics Committee)
① The Research Ethics Committee and the Subcommittee of the main investigation may request the informant, the suspect, the witness, and the reference person to attend the meeting for statement in the course of the investigation, and in such cases, the suspect shall comply with such request.
② The Research Ethics Committee or the Subcommittee of the main investigation may request the subject to submit data, and may restrict access to the laboratory, confiscate, and store the relevant research data after obtaining approval from the head of the relevant agency for the preservation of evidence.
③ The Research Ethics Committee may recommend the head of the relevant agency to take appropriate sanctions against the fraudulent activities deemed to be true.
Article 21 (Disclosure of records and information of investigation)
① The Research Ethics Committee shall keep all records of the investigation process in the form of voice, video, or documents for at least five years.
② The report of the results of the investigation and the list of members of the subcommittee of the main investigation may be disclosed after the judgment is completed. However, it may not be disclosed if it is feared to significantly undermine the independence of the investigative body, or if there is a possibility of penalizing the parties for the list of witnesses in the investigation process.
Article 22 (Report of Investigation Results)
① The Research Ethics Committee shall report the results and details of the preliminary investigation and the main investigation to the chairperson within ten days after the conclusion and judgment of the investigation respectively.
② The following matters must be included in the preliminary survey and the report on the results of the main investigation:
1. The content of the tip-off
2. Fraud subject to investigation
3. List of members of the Investigation Committee
4. Whether or not the main investigation is conducted and the basis for judgment (only in case of preliminary investigation)
5. Relevant evidence and witnesses (only in the case of main investigation)
6. The role of the suspect in the study and the factuality of the charges (only in the case of the main investigation).
7. The informant and the suspect's objection to the results of the investigation or the contents of the argument and the results of the handling thereof (only in the case of the main investigation).
Article 23 (Follow-up measures for reporting findings)
① When the Chairperson receives a report under the provisions of Article 22 (1), he/she may request the Research Ethics Committee to conduct an additional investigation or submit data related to the investigation, if it is deemed that there is a problem with the details and results of the investigation and the rationality and validity of the judgment therefrom.
② The Korean Society for Computer Game shall take follow-up measures based on the results of the judgment and notify the subject.
Article 24 (Other)
Matters not prescribed in these regulation shall be governed by the relevant bylaws of the Korean Society for Computer Game, and other matters shall be discussed and determined by the board of directors of the Korean Society for Computer Game.
Chapter V Research Ethics Committee
Article 25 (Composition and Operation of Ethics Committee)
① As specified in Article 19 (2), Research Ethics committee members shall be members of KSCG and appointed by the chairperson. The term of office of a member of the Research Ethics Committee shall be one year.
② The composition of the committee shall include one chairperson and one vice chairperson. One of the commissioned committee members shall be elected as the ethics chairperson, and the vice chairman shall serve as the editor-in-chief.
Article 26 (Functions of the Committee)
① Submit to the Chairperson of the Code of Ethics the title of the person who is eligible for the reasons set forth in Article 2, and has signed at least five members.
② The Committee shall determine, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the complaint, whether the content of the complaint is unlawful. The decision shall be made by two-thirds of the committee to determine whether it is illegal, with the majority of the attendees, and if so, the chairman shall decide. The procedure and contents of the judgment shall be kept confidential, and only the results may be promulgated.
③ The Commission shall, from time to time, hear the opinions of the petitioner or the petitioner privately and in particular give the petitioner the opportunity to be called.
Article 27 (Processing Results)
① If the Commission finds that the law has been violated, take the following measures.
1. Send reprimand
2. Cancellation of the research result
3. Exemption of membership
4. Notify your agency manager
5. Accusations to judicial institutions
② If the investigation finds that there has been no offense, the Commission may take appropriate follow-up measures to restore the honor of the respondent.
Article 28 (Request for Review)
① The complainant and the complainant may file a reconsideration of the decision of the Commission only once.
② The appeal shall be dealt with within seven days of receipt.
③ Judgments of the agenda shall be decided by a majority of the votes of two-thirds or more of the committee. In the case of an opposition, the chairman decides.
Article 1
This regulation shall enter into force on July 1, 2007.
When submitting a paper to this journal, it is deemed to agree to the regulations (publication regulations, research ethics regulations, etc.)