게임과 아우라
Aura in Game
Media, Aura, Digital Aura, Immersion
Media, Aura, Digital Aura, Immersion
Yoon Jung Huh
Benjamin introduced the concept of the “aura”and discussed its absence in film and photography. Benjamin posited that the loss of aura changes artistic values. This brought about a paradigm shift in the entire mode of existence of humanity. After Benjamin, various opinions followed regarding the concept of aura, namely, aura collapse, aura transformation, aura-media, and returned aura. This study discusses the idea of the “aura”in games as a digital medium. From the three characteristics of games,i.e., presence, interactivity, and multi-sensory interface, it is evident that digital aura exists in games in the form of immersion. Analogue aura has lapsed because of technical shortcomings, but digital aura makes perfect simulacra that create a hyper-real world. The qualities of immersion, interactivity, and a multi-sensory interface provide a world of illusion, and provide the visual, auditory, and tactile experience of aura without any space between the user and the object.
Page 129-134